A full service Complementary Healthcare Practice offering healing services through a combination of bodywork modalities:

Reflexology sessions include metaphysical approaches to wellness that are tailored to the needs of each client and 
centered on personal and body readings, and holistic 
counseling. The session may include the use of:

Massage/Reflexology Combo (90-120 minutes)

A gentle, yet thorough, process to release tension from 
muscles and joints. Each session is tailored to individual
needs, and focuses on delivering a pain-free rejuvenating

Sessions include a combination of Swedish, Reflexology,
Therapeutic, Orthopedic and Isometric Muscle 
Balancing techniques. 

            Licensed by the Ohio Medical Board
            Nationally Certified by the NCBTMB


A gentle and calming cleansing of the inner ear
canal with positive affects on hearing, balance,
spiritual harmony and relief in the sinuses. 

Each session includes both ears, reflexology
on feet and hands, and a head / neck massage. 


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